Cruden returns to DOJ

So the revolving door from Enviro NGO to DOJ/EPA Government work continues.
Just like the media/lobbyist/government official churn. Citizen alert–we lose again.
Shame on John Cruden, he dishonors his West Point heritage.

How can the citizen get a break when the DC ruling class just changes chairs and keeps on screwing the economy and society?
In this case, how can Cruden really work for his goals as articulated?
I know who he works for, and it sure isn’t for a reasonable environmental law system, its for him and his clients or conflicts of interest.
But do you think, under any possible scenario, that members of congress would object to his rotating back to gov after a little chance to make a bunch of Money in the NGO enviro world?
I don’t think John Cruden rides a white horse at all. He is a living breathing example of the crony, insider game of DC lawyering and lobbying.
I hate to go after a West Point grad who served as a Ranger, my kind of people, but lookee here at his record of lousy EPA cases from the article at National Journal.
Cruden was a government attorney for 35 years, including 14 with the military, before joining ELI. After graduating from West Point, he was an Army Ranger in Germany and Vietnam from 1969 to 1971, then went to Santa Clara Law School and the Woodrow Wilson School at the University of Virginia before becoming an Army litigator in 1976. He moved to the Justice Department in 1991 as chief of environmental enforcement, then rose to deputy assistant attorney general in the environment division in 1995.
During his more than 20 years at Justice, Cruden played a leading role in almost every major environmental case, including the government’s prosecution for the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska; toxic-waste dumping at Love Canal, N.Y.; dioxin contamination in Times Beach, Mo.; and finally the BP oil spill.
Love Canal and Times Beach are two exhibits for his lack of good sense and his loathsome irresponsible lack of balance on enviro issues. Even the EPA adminstrator said that Times Beach was a mistake, and Love Canal is nothing to be proud of. EPA messed up those two case, so if Cruden was with the EPA in a key role for many years–how many other jackass decisions was he involved in?

2 thoughts on “Cruden returns to DOJ”

  1. Cruden has quite an impressive military record, but it looks like he is enjoying the swinging door between environmental advocacy and DOJ.

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