World Bank mocks Tajikistan; Gives money to help ‘adapt to climate change risks’ — But what about everyday realities, like poverty?

TeatroNaturale reports:

The Government of Tajikistan and the World Bank launched a project today valued at $16.88 million that aims to support sustainable management of natural resources in Tajikistan and increase the resilience of communities to climate change impacts.

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2 thoughts on “World Bank mocks Tajikistan; Gives money to help ‘adapt to climate change risks’ — But what about everyday realities, like poverty?”

  1. “…will directly benefit 21,000 rural households or 126,000 people in selected project sites, of which at least 40 percent are expected to be women.”
    What does the “expected %” of women have to do with climate change–if there were mostly men, does that mean there is less/more global warming?
    And why is it “expected”–if they really studied and knew the country before funding the project, they should know the % of women living there.
    Reading this kind of nonsense leads one to believe there is nothing useful being done with millions of US$.

  2. If climate change ever causes undue impacts, I suppose that money may prove to have gone to good use. I’ll be very surprised if it happens.
    Tajikistan, Pakistan, Zimbabwe and Venezuela, to name a few of most countries living in poverty, do not need the World Bank for anything. They need liberty to foster economic growth. The profit motive, with enough government to contain abusers by the rule of law, always creates the highest available standards of living for an entire society. Wealth will occur unevenly, of course, but far better 80% wealth and 20% poor than 10% wealth and 90% poor. I’d think, anyway.

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