Will say anything: Barbara Boxer claims EPA shutdown will permit industry to trash environment — ‘People do it every day of the week’

The San Francisco Chronicle reports:

Sen. Barbara Boxer said Tuesday that closure of the Environmental Protection Agency will permit companies to dump toxic wastes and otherwise treat the environment “like it’s your private ditch.”

“People do it every day of the week, and we stop it because we have cops on the beat,” Boxer said.

The California Democrat and chair of the Environment and Public Works Committee said EPA would remain shuttered indefinitely under the House GOP’s strategy of re-opening parts of the federal government.

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7 thoughts on “Will say anything: Barbara Boxer claims EPA shutdown will permit industry to trash environment — ‘People do it every day of the week’”

  1. “EPA shutdown will permit industry to trash environment”

    A factory near my brother’s house trashes the environment. He said that he and neighbors have called the EPA and asked them to check it. Twice, EPA agents reported that the factory wasn’t running when they went there. Well, no. My brother told them that it only runs at night. The agents say, “Oh, well, we don’t work at night.”

    You want to avoid EPA? Just run at night, and you’ll never see them. Day work is all they do.

  2. A good piece of the compliance enforcement is done at the state level. That didn’t shut down. Ms. Boxer knows not of what she speaks.

  3. She honestly believes businesses are run by Captain Planet Villains slashing the rainforest because they hate trees and dumping oil in the water because they don’t like fish.

  4. Boxer is showing she is a statist. She has no concept of spontaneous order. To her, all order is created by, and maintained by, the state.

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