Waste, Fraud & Abuse: U.S. has spent more than $77 billion on climate research between 2008 and 2013

Rep. Lamar Smith writes in the Hill:

In fact, data from the Energy Information Administration show that between 2005 and 2012, the U.S. cut carbon dioxide emissions by 12 percent. At the same time, global emissions increased by 15 percent. And even the EPA concedes that substantial cuts to America’s emissions are unlikely to affect future temperature changes.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has spent more than $77 billion on climate research between 2008 and 2013. Despite dire forecasts, nearly all major temperature records show that global temperatures have held steady for the last 15 years.

Across the board, our most sophisticated climate models have overestimated warming. A recent study in the journal Nature Climate Change compared 117 climate predictions made in the 1990s to the actual amount of warming experienced. Out of 117 predictions, only three were relatively accurate. The other 114 overestimated temperature rise. As a respected climate scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, John Christy, said “The Earth system is just too complex to be represented in current climate models.”

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6 thoughts on “Waste, Fraud & Abuse: U.S. has spent more than $77 billion on climate research between 2008 and 2013”

  1. More importantly, how much of that money went to RINO republicans? Find that out and you will know why the GOP allows the EPA to continue in existance

  2. This might be the best possible argument for terminating ALL governement sponsored research. Their money never comes without an agenda.

  3. Why did we pay for 117 models? For “settled science?” Surely 99 would have been enough.

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