Warmists create climate of madness, literally — Weeping, vasectomy-craving weatherman just the latest

Investor’s Business Daily editorializes:

The global warming alarmists have created a climate of madness. Their incessant warnings of worldwide disaster and unspeakable human suffering due to man-made warming have sent some people into a frenzy.

Almost five years ago we wrote on these pages about climate change delusion. The first case diagnosed was in a 17-year-old Australian who refused to drink water because he thought it would cause millions to die from the drought-effects of global warming. He was eventually hospitalized in a psychiatric unit, having been depressed for months before being committed.

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4 thoughts on “Warmists create climate of madness, literally — Weeping, vasectomy-craving weatherman just the latest”

  1. I think it’s more like the observation bias fallacy of re running every drug related biting assault story in the wake of the florida bath salts “zombie” incident. It gives the impression of an epidemic by reporting a bunch of random unrelated stories that happened years apart as though they all hapened recently.

  2. Question, are there more lunatics now, or are they simply focused on climate change instead of aliens talking ot them through their teeth? We could be making the same falacy as the anti-gunners counting gun suicides.

  3. It is probably just as well that this reporter does not have children. He sounds like he is terribly unstable, and unable to properly look after himself. It is a good idea to leave parenthood for the people who are not afraid of their own shadow. Raising children is alot scarier than the weather! LOL

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