Warmism goes Monty Python: UK train company apologizes for climate skeptic tweet — Grovels but ‘we have new bike racks’

The Hertfordshire Mercury reports:

TRAIN company First Capital Connect (FCC) has backtracked over comments one of its employees made about climate change on Twitter earlier today.

The tweet was sent out on the provider’s Twitter account, which has more than 41,000 followers, claiming man made climate change didn’t exist.
The company has since apologised.

Sent out by ‘Jay’, the tweet said: “…if the heaters are doing their job ie warming staff its (having them on) not a waste (sic).”

It continued: “And the illusion about man made climate change has been shattered by numerous scientific reports. The earths climate changes naturally, has throughout time (sic).”

The words, which were responding to criticism of heaters on the train being left on unnecessarily, attracted a barrage of criticism on the social network.

Following this, FCC tweeted: “We apologise. This is NOT the view of FCC – we are very environmentally aware. We have new electric car points, and X2 number of bike racks.”

And it later added: “Hi all. Ally here. Very embarrassed about what Jay said. That is not the view of FCC whatsoever! Will be having a chat with him.”

Read the original.

One thought on “Warmism goes Monty Python: UK train company apologizes for climate skeptic tweet — Grovels but ‘we have new bike racks’”

  1. Obviously, this guy no longer works for them.
    I wonder how they’ll substantiate his dismissal?

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