WaPo calls Virginia AG lawsuit to get public employee Michael Mann’s e-mails a ‘jihad’ — But says ‘Redskins’ is ‘indefensible’

The Washington Post editorializes:

As attorney general, Mr. Cuccinelli waged a long and ultimately fruitless jihad against Michael Mann, a University of Virginia climate scientist, and filed a petition challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s finding that global warming poses a threat to humans. He showily contrived to become the first state’s attorney general to sue the federal government over Obamacare.

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CLick for the WaPO’s “Dan Snyder continues to defend the indefensible“.

3 thoughts on “WaPo calls Virginia AG lawsuit to get public employee Michael Mann’s e-mails a ‘jihad’ — But says ‘Redskins’ is ‘indefensible’”

  1. WaPo is right. Washington Redskins is indefensible. It is offensive to most people.

    I recommend they change their name to the Maryland Redskins.

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