2 thoughts on “Virgina Dem Guv candidate Terry McAuliffe admits support of EPA coal rules”

  1. When a reporter pressed McAuliffe on whether he supports the guidelines “as they are written right now,” McAuliffe responded: “I do, you bet. What I’ve looked at, I support what we need to do to obviously protect our air and our water.”
    Limiting CO2 emissions now protects our air and water. McAuliffe is an ignoramus on every level.

  2. According to WaPo, McAuliffe showed his lack of understanding (again): When a reporter pressed McAuliffe on whether he supports the guidelines “as they are written right now,” McAuliffe responded: “I do, you bet. What I’ve looked at, I support what we need to do to obviously protect our air and our water.”
    McAuliffe adding new wrinkles to the enviro cause by claiming that limiting CO2 emissions will protect our air and water.

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