Virgina Congressman blasts Terry McAuliffe for backing EPA coal rules

Rep. Morgan Griffith, R-Salem, issued this statement this morning criticizing Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe’s support for new EPA regulations on coal-fired power plants:

I’m disappointed that Terry McAuliffe doesn’t understand the importance of coal. It is troubling that a candidate for governor isn’t aware of the negative impact these new EPA regulations will have on Virginia, particularly here in Southwest Virginia. These new regulations will not only cost us more coal jobs, but will raise our utility rates. Here in the Ninth, where we have folks consistently struggling to make ends meet, it’s important to us that we have a governor who understands this, and who will care about our people and our jobs. We’re already fighting the war on coal in Washington, and if we’re going to win we need a governor that is with us, not against us.

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