Quack Psychologist: ‘Redskins’ name a ‘public health’ not ‘political correctness’ issue

About the President Obama’s effort to deflect negative attention from the shutdown to the owner of the Washington Redskins, the WaPo reports:

Michael Friedman, a clinical psychologist who has researched the effects of stigma and discrimination, said the word amounts to harassment and causes mental and physical harm to a population that already faces higher rates of depression, alcoholism, suicide, diabetes and infant mortality.

“This is a public health issue,” he said. “This is not a political correctness issue.”

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6 thoughts on “Quack Psychologist: ‘Redskins’ name a ‘public health’ not ‘political correctness’ issue”

  1. The liberal government bureaucrats control every facet of life for “a population that already faces higher rates of depression, alcoholism, suicide, diabetes and infant mortality.”
    The poor American Indians suffer because of government control, not because a football team is called Redskins.

  2. Public health?
    Does the “Doc” see this in the fear mongering carried out by the left and their lickspittle minions in the media?
    Does he see it in the demonization of Conservatives by the media/entertainment/democrat complex?

  3. “the word amounts to harassment and causes mental and physical harm to a population that already faces higher rates of depression, alcoholism, suicide, diabetes and infant mortality.”

    Yeah, white liberals.

  4. As an American of Northern European descent, I am highly vulnerable to sunburn. Unprotected, I can get a 1st degree burn in a half-hour on a sunny day. It does offend me when I am called a “Redskin” – but I can cope.
    Seriously, people who believe that this immature name-calling ’causes mental and physical harm’ are over-reacting, probably seeking the attention of ”victimhood.’ Their distress is self-inflicted due to the weakness of their own personalities.
    As a white, overweight, middle-aged male heathen, gentile, infidel, and heretic who is a fiscal conservative, Libertarian, and supports the Tea Party and rejects AGW, I am subject to my own share of verbal abuse. So is anybody else.
    You either learn to take the heat or get the heck out of the kitchen.
    I doubt if Shanahan will ever coach a team called the Native American Whingers.

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