Polish Joke: 2014 climate conference pits host Poland as #1 opponent proposed EU carbon cuts

The Global Post reports:

European ministers are sharply divided over proposed promises on carbon cuts as part of U.N. negotiations, a draft document shows, with Poland at the forefront of opposition.

A meeting of environment ministers in Luxembourg on October 14 is meant to agree a joint EU stance ahead of U.N. climate talks in Warsaw in November and December.

The EU and U.N. meetings will be litmus tests of whether the latest U.N. report on climate change is spurring or slowing the appetite for international action.

The draft seen by Reuters says the main outstanding issues for the European Union related to “mitigation commitments”, or efforts to make fresh promises before 2020 within the U.N. context.

“Enhancing pre-2020 mitigation ambition will pave the way for an ambitious 2015 international agreement,” it says.

Annotations to the draft say this is especially a problem for one delegation, which EU sources said is Poland.

Heavily dependent on carbon-intensive coal, Poland has repeatedly blocked EU efforts to deepen carbon cuts.

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3 thoughts on “Polish Joke: 2014 climate conference pits host Poland as #1 opponent proposed EU carbon cuts”

  1. Have you noticed it’s the East Europeans that are leading the charge against the imperialism of the new world order?
    The Czech Republic and now Poland? Rather ironic.

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