Senate GOP offers ‘The Top Ten Reasons The Government Shutdown Isn’t All Bad’ — Most involve EPA, environment

The Top Ten Reasons The Government Shutdown Isn’t All Bad Continue reading Senate GOP offers ‘The Top Ten Reasons The Government Shutdown Isn’t All Bad’ — Most involve EPA, environment

Climatologist Drama Queens: Government shutdown claimed to cause ‘irreversible damage’ to ‘decades of scientific research’

Hard to believe taxpayers have given $350 million to these whiners to do nonsense research that returns zero to taxpayers. Continue reading Climatologist Drama Queens: Government shutdown claimed to cause ‘irreversible damage’ to ‘decades of scientific research’

Dishonest: EPA chief says Obama climate plan not threatened by SCOTUS review of EPA authority over coal plants

About today’s Supreme Court decision to hear whether EPA can regulate stationary sources of CO2 (like power plants), Reuters reports: Continue reading Dishonest: EPA chief says Obama climate plan not threatened by SCOTUS review of EPA authority over coal plants

Sen. Malarkey claims shutdown prevents public from discussing EPA coal rules — But EPA propaganda tour ≠ discussion

BTW Ed, the EPA meetings are pro forma — i.e., designed to meet a coming court challenges to the rules, not to allow the public to weigh in. Continue reading Sen. Malarkey claims shutdown prevents public from discussing EPA coal rules — But EPA propaganda tour ≠ discussion

Sea Hysteria Run: Global warming to undermine oceans by 2100 — ‘ Truly scary to consider how vast these impacts will be’

The media release is below. Continue reading Sea Hysteria Run: Global warming to undermine oceans by 2100 — ‘ Truly scary to consider how vast these impacts will be’

Antarctic researchers whine about shutdown — But what do taxpayers get out of nonsense research anyway?

The New York Times reports: Continue reading Antarctic researchers whine about shutdown — But what do taxpayers get out of nonsense research anyway?

EU plan for Warsaw climate talks built on lie: EU hasn’t reduced emissions — it’s outsourced them to Asia

Platts reports: Continue reading EU plan for Warsaw climate talks built on lie: EU hasn’t reduced emissions — it’s outsourced them to Asia

Here’s Justice Alito’s financial disclosure form — what’s the conflict with his participating in EPA CO2 rule case?

Though the Supreme Court announced it will rule whether EPA greenhouse gas authority extends to stationary sources (like coal power plants), Justice Alito recused himself from the process deciding whether to take the case. Continue reading Here’s Justice Alito’s financial disclosure form — what’s the conflict with his participating in EPA CO2 rule case?