Obama climate adviser Heather Zichal leaving for private sector — or what’s left of it

Reuters reports:

President Barack Obama’s top adviser on energy and climate change, Heather Zichal, plans to step down in the next few weeks after five years at the White House, senior administration officials said on Monday.

Zichal, 37, has advised Obama since his 2008 presidential campaign and helped shape the administration’s policies to curb greenhouse gas emissions blamed for contributing to global warming.

Zichal plans to move to a non-government job.

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3 thoughts on “Obama climate adviser Heather Zichal leaving for private sector — or what’s left of it”

  1. I suspect that this is Obama’s first step in distancing himself from the “global warming”/”climate change”/”mighty nasty weather” scam. When the inevitable end comes, Obama can summon up all his righteous indignation and blame Zilchal for misleading him.

    But never forget who chose her as an adviser in the first place. Don’t buy the lie.

  2. Unfortunately, they don’t melt, they move on to line their pockets by advising others on how to make money off the scams they created.

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