Nanny Bloomberg’s next target: Tanning salons — Here’s why it’s another junk science-fueled crusade

The New York Post reports:

In what could be the Bloomberg’s Administration’s final health crusade, the anti-tanorexic plan will be submitted to the Board of Health on Tuesday,. The board — all appointees of Mayor Bloomberg — is expected to adopt the new rules, which would take effect in the spring following public hearings.

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Here’s the definitive takedown of the tanning scare.

2 thoughts on “Nanny Bloomberg’s next target: Tanning salons — Here’s why it’s another junk science-fueled crusade”

  1. I promise not to use a tanning salon. I have a better salon: boat and fishing lake. As long as it isn’t connected to the National Park Service, I’m free to use it without park rangers and flyovers by Marine Apache Helo’s.

  2. Thank heavens that “Boob-berg” will soon be gone as Mayor of NY. But i’m sure he will continue his “nanny-grams” from his less official position (any bets on what that will be??).
    His replacement is likely to be at least as worse – there’s a very small chance that won’t be true – so expect a lot more of this “pop-junk science” stuff from both “Boob-berg” and his successor,

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