McWarmism: USA Today says it doesn’t matter that IPCC has been wrong so far — in 50 years it might be right, or maybe not

USA Today editorializes:

All this ought to be enough to shift the political debate, once and for all, from whether global warming is real to how to respond. Instead, the skeptics have seized on one piece of the 2,216-page IPCC report to renew their contention that concern is overblown.

The report found that the rate of surface warming over the past 15 years (1998-2012) was smaller than the rate calculated since 1951. This “pause” suggests some of the climate models that predicted faster warming are flawed, and natural climate variability is powerful. But it doesn’t prove that warming has stopped or is inconsequential…

The latest findings ensure one other thing: In 50 years, Americans are far less likely to be talking about this month’s budget follies in Washington than they are to be asking why this generation was warned about the risks of man-made climate change and didn’t do more about them.

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9 thoughts on “McWarmism: USA Today says it doesn’t matter that IPCC has been wrong so far — in 50 years it might be right, or maybe not”

  1. Unfortunately many people rely more on fear than logic…more unfortunate is that tapping into this fear is an efficient means of controlling the population and making a quick buck.

  2. They say even a blind dog can sometimes find a bone, but that doesn’t mea that it’s the one I’m going to take hunting with me.

  3. I don’t know. I think we should provide more grant money into psychological research into why some folk always have to feel doom is around the corner, and the other folks who prey on them.

  4. Of course they may have been wrong over the past 15 years, but in 50 you could make billions!

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