Makin’ It Up: IPCC lead author slams IPCC’s trillion-ton carbon budget as number ‘plucked from nowhere’ & 2-degree temp limit as ‘pulled out of the air’

The Sydney Morning Herald reports:

Oxford University’s John Broome is not exactly full of praise for the IPCC. For example, he accuses Working Group I’s new report of plucking a “one trillion tonnes” limit for carbon emissions out of nowhere. Technically, it’s an estimate of how much carbon you emit while still having a two-thirds probability of not hitting a two-degree increase in temperature.

“It’s based on two numbers which have just been pulled out of the air,” he says.

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7 thoughts on “Makin’ It Up: IPCC lead author slams IPCC’s trillion-ton carbon budget as number ‘plucked from nowhere’ & 2-degree temp limit as ‘pulled out of the air’”

  1. ‘PULLED OUT OF THE AIR” just like the 5 degrees tipping point beyond which they said the world would be plunged into irreversible heating – so said a senior climatologist at Met Office in a Climategate email.

  2. Maybe they should seriously consider avoiding aerobic respiration too. That should shut them up PDQ!

  3. It’s pretty obvious that the IPCC’s PR Dept. (Most important dept. BTW) has advised using the KISS method when it comes to broadcasting climate propaganda to the peons.

  4. Wasn’t this the man they called in to “get the message across”?

    I think he has just located a couple of the problems – they just make stuff up and expect people to believe it!

  5. Save us from philosophers. Daft git.

    To people like him I’d say “scared of CO2? Want everyone to start cutting it? Well bloody get on with it then. Move out of your nice country home, with enough space inside to move further away from the tree that threatens to flatten you on windy nights. Move to a pokey little flat in town, with just enough space to swing a well insulated cat. Only then can you talk to the rest of us about the morality of cutting CO2.”

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