Look Ma, no models! Economists pull global temp predictions of out butts in NYTimes op-ed

An enviro economist and Harvard econ prof write in the NYTimes:

What this will mean for future temperatures is hard to pinpoint with precision, but we estimate that without further action to reduce emissions, the planet is on track to see the eventual global average rise by at least 3 degrees Celsius (5.4 degrees Fahrenheit) above preindustrial levels. This is most likely past the point when we will see the melting of the ice sheets in Greenland and West Antarctica, raising sea levels by dozens of feet. But putting too much emphasis on one particular temperature figure is like zeroing in on the year 2047.

What is scarier still is the uncertainty about the truly extreme outcomes. Our own calculations estimate that there is a roughly 5 percent to 10 percent chance that the eventual average temperature could be 6 degrees Celsius higher, rather than 3. What this would mean is outside anyone’s imagination, perhaps even Dante’s. We can obsess about all of these scenarios. A rise of three degrees would be bad enough. But when you factor in the uncertainty, there is even more reason to put global warming on an even more sharply decreasing path.

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6 thoughts on “Look Ma, no models! Economists pull global temp predictions of out butts in NYTimes op-ed”

  1. Liberals claim to be ruled by science, except when it comes to climate change where the science cannot be proven, but Trust without verification. Saddest part is that is just another scheme of the Left to redistribute wealth. In this case our wealth to the rest of the world on a bogus theory that failure to do so will be the end of civilization. If it were the end of Liberalism, I’d consider writing a check.

  2. This idiot supposes he even understands what Dante’s Inferno was about. What is even more stupid is that most people aren’t listening any more, even the ones that maybe were taken in by all this tripe at the beginning. Most journalists now avoid using terms such as “global warming” or “climate change”.
    Going on about “eventual global average rise by at least 3 degrees above pre-industrial levels” is certain to have everyone’s eyes rolling.

  3. We should take this more seriously.. I just took a note of the temperature outside my house this morning. It was 67º…that was 3 hours ago.. Now the outside temperature is 77º…an increase of 10º in just three hours.. If this keeps up, by the time I’m off work in 7 hours the temperature will be 97º… by midnight it will be 127º!!! We gotta do something! Or we’ll all cooooook!!!

  4. “But when you factor in the uncertainty, there is even more reason to put global warming on an even more sharply decreasing path.”

    Uhhh . . . the less you know, the more skeert we should get?

  5. Goes to show that Mora, et al, have the hottest new peer reviewed doomsday science. Everyone is quoting the 2047 end-of-times date. Has there been a scholarly debunking of this projection or is everyone laughing to hard?

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