Here’s Justice Alito’s financial disclosure form — what’s the conflict with his participating in EPA CO2 rule case?

Though the Supreme Court announced it will rule whether EPA greenhouse gas authority extends to stationary sources (like coal power plants), Justice Alito recused himself from the process deciding whether to take the case.

No matter since SCOTUS decided to take the case, but does it mean that he will recuse himself from the entire case? Alito has been attacked in the past for having a conflict of interest because of his stock holdings. As dubious as such allegations were, Alito nonetheless sold most of his stock holdings.

Click for his most recent financial disclosure form — find a meaningful conflict (if you can) and let us know!

2 thoughts on “Here’s Justice Alito’s financial disclosure form — what’s the conflict with his participating in EPA CO2 rule case?”

  1. But Ginsburg and others on the court can hear cases argued by the ACLU and similar groups of which they were/are members and directors. Sounds fair.

  2. What is his reason? Many legal conflicts are not financial, they can be rulings on earlier cases or public statements that show bias…

    What was his reason?

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