Greenpeace: Fracking a ‘desperate ploy’ by UK government to keep people hooked on fossil fuels — No doubt manyin the UK are addicted to staying warm in the winter

Sky News reports:

Greenpeace is planning legal challenges against fracking in a bid to derail plans for the controversial method of extracting gas from rock.

The campaign group said it expected thousands of people to join the “legal block” so that a series of “no go areas” will be set up across England.

Greenpeace spokeswoman Anna Jones claimed fracking was a “desperate ploy” by the Government to keep the UK hooked on fossil fuels.

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6 thoughts on “Greenpeace: Fracking a ‘desperate ploy’ by UK government to keep people hooked on fossil fuels — No doubt manyin the UK are addicted to staying warm in the winter”

  1. I guess that fact that Greenpeace continues to flap their gums and emit CO2 shows that they are addicted to breathing. How dare they!

  2. In the People’s Republic of Kalifornia, we are having fun watching the Obliviots under the dome in Sacramento squirm as their Arena deal and High Speed Rail projects are held up by the very environmental hurdles they voted in to help their Communist allies hurt business.

    I keep hoping we will see enough change in government to have expensive, mandatory FIAs (Financial Impact Assessments) paid for by anyone that wants to try using legal challenges to delay or stop projects.

  3. The Greenpeas members arrested by the Russians in Murmansk recently might be happy to see some warmth, even if by fracking, by the time their cases are disposed by the Russians.

  4. “legal challenges against fracking in a bid to derail plans for the controversial method”

    Funny, it wasn’t controversial for 40 years. Greenpeas has the authority to make something controversial.

  5. 1. The UK’s elitists, along with Europe’s elitists generally, leads the charge against affordable energy and prosperity for more of the UK’s people, especially their most vulnerable people.
    2. The UK’s voters, including a lot of their most vulnerable voters, elect the elitists that cause them so much damage.
    3. Apparently envy of the wealth that some earn by producing valuable goods and services means more to a lot of UK (and, alas, US) voters than the valuable goods and services mean.

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