Financial Times columnist likens CO2 emissions to ‘poison’ dripped into the atmosphere

Harry Eyres write in the FT:

It is true that scientists are not agreed on the causes of the recent slowing in the rate of warming (though let it not be forgotten that warming is continuing). But, on the long-term trends, they are overwhelmingly in agreement.

I have an image of an immense, planet-sized cauldron, into which someone, the devil perhaps, wearing an apron and with a slight look of Heston Blumenthal, is dripping small quantities of poison. The poison will not reach all parts of the cauldron at the same time or in the same concentrations, but there is no doubt that as the great broth is stirred, we will all be thoroughly stewed.

My image is both homely and misleading. There is of course no devil. Or rather the devil is none other than ourselves. Ultimately, I believe, excessive complexity is a poor excuse. One definition of being an adult is having to act in the midst of uncertainty, with no final knowledge of the costs of action or inaction.

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6 thoughts on “Financial Times columnist likens CO2 emissions to ‘poison’ dripped into the atmosphere”

  1. Yes, “we are the devil.” This is the trademark liberal mantra that trumps fact every time.

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