Ex-Royal Society Prez: Only ‘smallish probability of catastrophic warming’ — IPCC panic keep warming ‘high on the agenda’

Wired reports:

Martin Rees is Astronomer Royal and the former president of the Royal Society. His work as a cosmologist spans black hole quasars, gamma ray bursts and theories about the “multiverse”. He is the author of numerous popular science books, including Our Final Century: Will the Human Race Survive the Twenty-first Century? and From Here to Infinity — Scientific Horizons. Ahead of his talk at Wired 2013, Rees shared with us some insights from his recent speech at the British Science Association…

I think it’s the smallish probability of catastrophic warming, rather than the expectation of the IPPC’s median trajectory, which presents the most compelling argument for keeping climate change high on the agenda.

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2 thoughts on “Ex-Royal Society Prez: Only ‘smallish probability of catastrophic warming’ — IPCC panic keep warming ‘high on the agenda’”

  1. it’s an amazing interview where he keeps following plain logic and then at the last minute veers away in his (self-labelled) jeremiads.

  2. In the mind (and I use that term loosely) of the left, theory is everything. Facts, numbers, proven scientific laws do not exist in their fantasy world. Anyone that has the temerity to mention anything that might tend to discredit their “theory” is immediately attacked, savagely.

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