European wind farm dismantled and not replaced for first time

The Daily Mail reports:

It is a sight that will cheer campaigners across the land.
After blighting the Yorkshire Dales for more than two decades, four giant turbines have been removed from the stunning landscape – the first ever windfarm in Britain to be scrapped.

To the delight of residents and walkers there are once again unspoilt views across the rolling hills and deep blue waters of Chelker Reservoir, near Ilkley…

But according to campaigners, the turbines have not worked in years. In an unprecedented move, the utility company sent in contractors at the end of last month to dismantle the rusting structures.

Peter Rigby, who set up the Parishioners Against the Chelker Turbines, said: ‘This is a real David versus Goliath victory for residents – and the democratic process won out. There was almost unanimous feeling among the parishes that these eyesores were not wanted.

‘We have been told it is the first time in Europe that a wind farm of this scale has been taken down and not replaced.’

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3 thoughts on “European wind farm dismantled and not replaced for first time”

  1. And the cost to do this should be borne by the party that was in power at the time and approved the building of these useless windmills. Not the taxpayer, but the party itself.
    There has to be financial costs to stupidity to prevent it from spreading.

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