EPA worker attacks tea party for shutdown in AP report — no disclosure that employee is union rep

Breitbart reports:

The Associated Press may have been duped as a partisan union leader appeared on camera as a struggling worker given a furlough during the government shutdown.

Breitbart.com details how the video “EPA Worker: Furloughs Hit Employees Hard” stars “Paul Sacker is an engineer for the Environmental Protection Agency who was furloughed because of the government shutdown. Sacker says politicians don’t understand the impact the shutdown has on workers.”

Sacker discusses how the shutdown will affect him, he’ll need to dip into his savings “as the paychecks stop coming,” before stating that “the tea party that are using ideological principals to hold the government hostage.”

Breitbart outs Sacker as the president of American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Local 3911.

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7 thoughts on “EPA worker attacks tea party for shutdown in AP report — no disclosure that employee is union rep”

  1. What proportion of politicians in the US Federal Government are members of the political party he’s objecting to?

  2. Perhaps Sacker should keep this in mind when he and his agency are working so hard to shut down the fossil fuel industry or the logging industry or the mining industry or squeezing the manufacturing industry to death. Sorry I have no sympathy for Sacker or his agency.

  3. Most of these employees that are non-essential should be permently let go.

    Keep the 20K they have for the park service and the rest we just don’t need.

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