Debbie Wasserperson Schultz: “It’s time for the deniers to stop clinging to their 3 percent chance”

Debbie Wasserman Schultz writes in the Hill:

The evidence is clear: We must dramatically curb carbon release if we are to avoid the worst effects of climate change, and I urge my colleagues in Congress to join in this effort. It’s time for the deniers to stop clinging to their 3 percent chance and for both sides of the aisle to address the significant social, economic and environmental challenges that global warming and climate change pose to the future of our nation.

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3 thoughts on “Debbie Wasserperson Schultz: “It’s time for the deniers to stop clinging to their 3 percent chance””

  1. How about the Democrats, Obama, and the warmists acknowledge the 100% chance that continuing to add taxes and regulations to fight this unsubstantied theory will ensure that the economy remains in a permanent torpor.

  2. Someone needs to tell Debbie Wasserman Schultz those 3% odds are 50% better than the 2% odds that the climate models correctly predicted the global temperatures over the last 15 years.

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