Crazy: IPCC author says we either starting cutting carbon or we’ll have to blot out the sun with untested, impractical geoengineering

Scientific American reports:

Piers Forster, a climate-change researcher at the University of Leeds, UK, and one of the authors of the summary, says: “The policy relevance of the information is that if you do not start mitigating [ie reducing emissions] tomorrow we will have to start to consider these unattractive options.”

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6 thoughts on “Crazy: IPCC author says we either starting cutting carbon or we’ll have to blot out the sun with untested, impractical geoengineering”

  1. I’m surprised that the “scientific” community isn’t totally embarrassed by idiotic statements like this. Maybe it shows there isn’t much science other than the political flavor in the IPCC>

  2. Mr Burns, in the Simpsons, once launched a huge satellite sunshade over Springfield, so the people would have to buy his nuclear station’s power.

    But I think it was just a cartoon…..

  3. Nothing the “unScientific” American is worth reading anymore. I don’t. It’s been quite a “rag” for some time.

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