Climatologist Drama Queens: Government shutdown claimed to cause ‘irreversible damage’ to ‘decades of scientific research’

Hard to believe taxpayers have given $350 million to these whiners to do nonsense research that returns zero to taxpayers.

USA Today reports:

Anne Gambrel, a doctoral student at Princeton University, says she’s part of a team of scientists who have been working for about a decade to launch a telescope on a balloon from Antarctica. They planned to accomplish this in December.

“It is devastating to us to think that at this crucial point in our project, we can’t take the final step,” she writes in supporting Jeong’s petition. “Besides the vast amount of science that is being delayed or canceled, shutting down the continent for the season is wasting millions of dollars.”

Another graduate student doing research in the South Pole, Elizabeth George of the University of California, Berkeley, says scientists could lose “not only this season but years worth of work.” Even if the government resumes in two weeks, she says, “the damage to decades of scientific research will be irreversible.”

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7 thoughts on “Climatologist Drama Queens: Government shutdown claimed to cause ‘irreversible damage’ to ‘decades of scientific research’”

  1. You have to wonder what a telescope in a balloon’s going to tell us? After reading the article I’m just devastated, lmao, that it will affect the World Oceans Conference or whatever that drivel is. Sounds like another group looking to impose their Oceanic view on mankind.

  2. This is even more lame than the people that are at death’s door because they can’t enroll in a drug trial that may or may not work and they may or may not really get the drug.

  3. This reminds me of a skit that the National Lampoon players recorded. I’ll paraphrase it slightly:

    “Don’t believe those scientists who whine about being poor and stuck in Antarctica with no money. They aren’t poor. Can you afford to live in Antarctica? No, you can’t afford to visit Antarctica. And do you know what they do with all that money you send them? They launch pretty balloons into the air for the penguins to watch and have a laugh at your expense.”

  4. “Hard to believe taxpayers have given $350 million to these whiners to do nonsense research that returns zero to taxpayers.”
    Taxpayers have not “given” money to these groups. It was taken from the taxpayers, primarily by fraudulent applications and fraudulent science. In any type of honest society, these people would be prosecuted for taking money under false pretenses, embezzlement, etc.
    In today’s world, they will get Nobel prizes and government positions of influence.

  5. At first read I thought Ms. Gambrel had been a graduate student for 10 years and thought if she had been hanging out for that long, what’s another couple weeks? If she hasn’t been there for the decade this dedicated team of scientists have been working, you can still ask: what’s a couple weeks?
    One might also ask if in the decades of research on these weighty issues, have there been no gaps in data? Only a true cynic would ask if the world would suffer dire consequences or notice if the work was cancelled.

  6. Doesn’t say much for the management of these projects that a couple weeks delay can cost them years of lost research.

    That is, if you believe them…

  7. Its hard to believe that it has taken Anne Gambrel and her other researchers ten years to prepare to launch a balloon with a telescope from Antarctica. Most Cub Scout packs do it in a matter of weeks.

    Maybe they took the short bus to school.

    The sad part is that we pay for this.

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