Bill McKibben nightmare: Africa fossil fueling-up as Kenya to build 1,000 MW coal plant, 800 MW gas plant

Venture-Africa announces:

Kenya has invited investors to bid for the development of two power plants which have a combined output of up to 1,800 megawatts (MW) from coal and natural gas.

A statement released by Ministry of Energy and Petroleum said the country wants investors to invest in a 700-800 MW natural gas fired plant near the port city of Mombasa as well as the building of a 900 – 1, 000MW coal power plant in Lamu where the Kenyan government is planning to develop a $5.5 billion mega port that will link landlocked South Sudan and Ethiopia to the Indian Ocean.

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4 thoughts on “Bill McKibben nightmare: Africa fossil fueling-up as Kenya to build 1,000 MW coal plant, 800 MW gas plant”

  1. History tells us that a country and people will only develop their economy and standard of living (for everyone) when there is easy access to affordable energy. This usually means coal-fired electrical generation plants. The enviro-nazis that want to deny countries this source of energy have no valid science nor moral argument whatsoever against it.

  2. Oh my God the downtrodden brown people are rising up and are ignoring their green overlords an are starting to work on energy independence.

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