Biggest denier of climate change is the Earth itself — 17 years of CO2 rise but flat temps

Henry Mallory writes in the Corvallis (OR) Gazette-Times:

The mainstream media is certainly working overtime getting in front of the soon-to-be released United Nations climate assessment report that will, for the first time, grudgingly admit that the dire predictions issued by the global warming cultists aren’t any closer to becoming reality than they were when predicted 30 years ago: No drowning polar bears or permanently disappearing polar ice, no flooding coastlines, no snow-less English winters, no cause for alarm.

Mother Nature isn’t cooperating with the alarmists’ agenda. After 17 years of flat temperatures the Earth’s climate is behaving like a global warming “denier.” Mother Nature seems to be in bed with Big Oil. What is the media to tell people that will continue frightening them into government compliance?

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