Aussie Labour party blocking carbon tax repeal despite crushing defeat at polls over it

The Guardian reports:

The Abbott government insists the carbon tax will end on 1 July next year even if the parliament has not yet repealed it but leading lawyers say companies would still be liable and should continue to pass the tax on to their customers.

Tony Abbott says he is sure public pressure will force the Labor party to “repent” of its support for the carbon tax and allow its repeal before next July, but both Labor and the Greens insist they will not allow the repeal legislation through the Senate – meaning the government would have to wait until the newly elected Senate sits in July.

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3 thoughts on “Aussie Labour party blocking carbon tax repeal despite crushing defeat at polls over it”

  1. Vindictive little swine aren’t they those greens. Petty people. They cannot stand the thought of Australia booming.

  2. Good luck getting Greenies to “repent”.
    Their religion of environMENTALism allows no deviation from the core principle of destroying economies.

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