Peter Higgs wins Nobel from Royal Swedish Academy — Michael Mann gets his from Angelo State University

Forget Peter Higgs sharing a genuine Nobel Prize for the Higgs Boson, hokey stick inventor Michael Mann was awarded a Nobel Prize yesterday by Angelo State University where he will be appearing on Monday, Oct. 28.

Here’s Angelo State’s bio of Mann — note award of Nobel Prize:

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Mann has never won a Nobel Prize.

5 thoughts on “Peter Higgs wins Nobel from Royal Swedish Academy — Michael Mann gets his from Angelo State University”

  1. I just received an email reply saying that they would change it. I have no problem with it reading that Dr. Michael Mann was part of an organization that was awarded a Nobel prize. I just want accuracy.

  2. I know someone on the faculty there. I doubt it will happen, too. They’re taking a side.

  3. Being a proud native Texas I just emailed Angelo State University providing a link to the transcript of the conversation with the Nobel Committee. I wrote that being an institute of higher learning I’m sure that Angelo State will want to be truthful and honest and edit the bio.

    I doubt it will happen.

  4. Money spent looking for evidence and prizes awarded are infallible indicators of a theory’s validity — everybody knows that. With $13.25 billion spent, petabytes of noise recorded and a Nobel awarded, Higgs gets a pass, McIntyre-proof. Mann doesn’t.

    Poor little Mann. The victory was so close. Only $13 billion and some petabytes away.

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