Inhofe: ‘Science behind climate change is uncertain, but the cost of the president’s regulations is not’

Sen. Jim Inhofe writes in the Hill: Continue reading Inhofe: ‘Science behind climate change is uncertain, but the cost of the president’s regulations is not’

Rep. Marsha Blackburn cheers EPA shutdown — ‘good is EPA can’t issue new regulations’

Let’s all savor the shutdown of a most abusive regulatory agency. Continue reading Rep. Marsha Blackburn cheers EPA shutdown — ‘good is EPA can’t issue new regulations’

Waste, Fraud & Abuse: U.S. has spent more than $77 billion on climate research between 2008 and 2013

Rep. Lamar Smith writes in the Hill: Continue reading Waste, Fraud & Abuse: U.S. has spent more than $77 billion on climate research between 2008 and 2013

Debbie Wasserperson Schultz: “It’s time for the deniers to stop clinging to their 3 percent chance”

Debbie Wasserman Schultz writes in the Hill: Continue reading Debbie Wasserperson Schultz: “It’s time for the deniers to stop clinging to their 3 percent chance”

Warmists create climate of madness, literally — Weeping, vasectomy-craving weatherman just the latest

Investor’s Business Daily editorializes: Continue reading Warmists create climate of madness, literally — Weeping, vasectomy-craving weatherman just the latest

BBC pressured to silence skeptics — Warmists likened to ‘brain surgeons’, skeptics to ‘homeopaths’

The Guardian reports: Continue reading BBC pressured to silence skeptics — Warmists likened to ‘brain surgeons’, skeptics to ‘homeopaths’

Biggest denier of climate change is the Earth itself — 17 years of CO2 rise but flat temps

Henry Mallory writes in the Corvallis (OR) Gazette-Times: Continue reading Biggest denier of climate change is the Earth itself — 17 years of CO2 rise but flat temps