US ‘loans’ Pakistan $95 million for wind farm — but Wash DC to get $30 million less from feds in 2014

The Business Standard reports:

The US and Pakistan today signed a USD 95 million financing agreement for a renewable energy project in Sindh province.

US Ambassador to Pakistan Richard Olson inked the deal for a ten-year loan to Sapphire Wind Power Company.

Under the agreement, US’ Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) will extend USD 95 million to build the 50 MW wind power plant in the Ghoro-Keti Bandar wind corridor near Jhimpir in Sindh.

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2 thoughts on “US ‘loans’ Pakistan $95 million for wind farm — but Wash DC to get $30 million less from feds in 2014”

  1. “…estimates that Pakistan possesses 132,000 MW of potential installed wind capacity…”
    That is if you cover most of the country with wind turbines–that Al Queda and similar groups will use for target practice.

  2. I’m okay with cutting the city budget of Washington, DC. It’s a cesspool anyway. The less cess, the better.
    A wind farm in Pakistan does sound like the Islamic equivalent of pork. Goat?

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