Prominent warmist: ‘“I can’t really think of much to say about Gore’s efforts that I’d want to put on the record’

Buzzfeed reports: Continue reading Prominent warmist: ‘“I can’t really think of much to say about Gore’s efforts that I’d want to put on the record’

Al Gore climate lobby effort melting: Staff cut 90%, budget down 80%; Ex-donor calls goals ‘naive’

Buzzfeed reports: Continue reading Al Gore climate lobby effort melting: Staff cut 90%, budget down 80%; Ex-donor calls goals ‘naive’

Warmist von Storch: CO2-caused warming only an ‘assumption’ — other factors could be ‘underestimated’

from a Deutche Welle interview with Hans von Storch: Continue reading Warmist von Storch: CO2-caused warming only an ‘assumption’ — other factors could be ‘underestimated’

Aussie oppo leader turns climate sword back on Labor PM: Election a referendum on carbon tax

Dennis Shanahan comments in the Australian: Continue reading Aussie oppo leader turns climate sword back on Labor PM: Election a referendum on carbon tax

No MSM Bias Here: Skeptics paid, but warmists work for free?

In its report of the Heartland Institute’s new report “Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science,” the trade press publication Climatewire reports: Continue reading No MSM Bias Here: Skeptics paid, but warmists work for free?

Warmist economist Lord Stern denies supply-and-demand: Rejects as ‘baseless’ notion of fracking reducing natural gas price

So who should listen to Lord Stern about global warming economics? He doesn’t seem believe that, as demonstrated in the U.S., greater supply of natural gas leads to lower prices. Continue reading Warmist economist Lord Stern denies supply-and-demand: Rejects as ‘baseless’ notion of fracking reducing natural gas price

No Prisoners: Comrade Naomi Klein blames ‘elitist’ enviros for failure to achieve emissions cuts

Klein says the enviro elites’ win-win collaboration with American business has failed. Continue reading No Prisoners: Comrade Naomi Klein blames ‘elitist’ enviros for failure to achieve emissions cuts