Eco-terror: IPCC has convinced some that warming threatens the existence of Earth itself

The Las Vegas Guardian Express reports in “Climate Change: How Long Will Earth Remain?”: Continue reading Eco-terror: IPCC has convinced some that warming threatens the existence of Earth itself

‘But after so many false scares, and with no warming for so long, let’s keep our panic on hold and our hands on our wallets’

Andrew Bolt writes in the Daily Telegraph: Continue reading ‘But after so many false scares, and with no warming for so long, let’s keep our panic on hold and our hands on our wallets’

‘Just as economists can’t tell us how to abolish boom-bust, so scientists don’t yet know how to fix the climate or even if it’s broken’

Dominic Lawson writes in the Sunday Times: Continue reading ‘Just as economists can’t tell us how to abolish boom-bust, so scientists don’t yet know how to fix the climate or even if it’s broken’

Tasmanian Skeptics: Liberal Party to dump Climate Action Council if they win upcoming election

The Examiner (Australia) reports: Continue reading Tasmanian Skeptics: Liberal Party to dump Climate Action Council if they win upcoming election

IPCC vice chair: Consensus process too slow, wrongly conservative — new report may be last mega-report

The New Straits Times reports: Continue reading IPCC vice chair: Consensus process too slow, wrongly conservative — new report may be last mega-report

Buggered: Aussie traditional electricity users pay $167 million per year to subsidize solar panel owners

The Daily Telegraph reports: Continue reading Buggered: Aussie traditional electricity users pay $167 million per year to subsidize solar panel owners