OECD Study: Aussie carbon tax hurt competitiveness –rather than reducing emissions, sent jobs overseas

The Autralian reports: Continue reading OECD Study: Aussie carbon tax hurt competitiveness –rather than reducing emissions, sent jobs overseas

Warmist McKibben: ‘We can’t bankrupt Exxon. But we can politically and morally bankrupt them.’

From the Salon interview with McKibben: Continue reading Warmist McKibben: ‘We can’t bankrupt Exxon. But we can politically and morally bankrupt them.’

Warmist McKibben: ‘I don’t know that I feel like a hypocrite anymore. I mean, I fly all the time’

From a Salon interview with 350.org’s Bill McKibben: Continue reading Warmist McKibben: ‘I don’t know that I feel like a hypocrite anymore. I mean, I fly all the time’

Study: Rainforest captures carbon faster after being logged, cleared for agriculture

“Far-reaching implications for forest restoration projects to mitigate global warming’… Gentlemen…. start your chainsaws…. Continue reading Study: Rainforest captures carbon faster after being logged, cleared for agriculture

Coal CEO: Obama killing coal to please his ‘radical environmentalist, unionist, liberal elitist, Hollywood’ constituents

The Wheeling Intelligencer reports: Continue reading Coal CEO: Obama killing coal to please his ‘radical environmentalist, unionist, liberal elitist, Hollywood’ constituents

Ethanol credit trading increases gas prices, becomes Wall Street racket — another central planning masterpiece!

The New York Times reports: Continue reading Ethanol credit trading increases gas prices, becomes Wall Street racket — another central planning masterpiece!

Sen. Tom Coburn: Global warming ‘the least of our worries as a country right now. The least.’

Politico reports: Continue reading Sen. Tom Coburn: Global warming ‘the least of our worries as a country right now. The least.’