Bob Carter: Public has been ‘relentlessly misinformed’ by UN that human-caused global warming causing climate calamity

Bob Carter writes in the Daily Telegraph: Continue reading Bob Carter: Public has been ‘relentlessly misinformed’ by UN that human-caused global warming causing climate calamity

Judith Curry: IPCC’s claim increase in warming confidence is ‘incomprehensible’ given rise in uncertainty

The Australian reports: Continue reading Judith Curry: IPCC’s claim increase in warming confidence is ‘incomprehensible’ given rise in uncertainty

McKibben to debut global warming doc on Al Jazeera — after slamming Gore for CurrentTV selling to petrodollar-funded network

The Daily Caller reports: Continue reading McKibben to debut global warming doc on Al Jazeera — after slamming Gore for CurrentTV selling to petrodollar-funded network

Meteorologist Joe Bastardi slams Bill McKibben for hurricane-climate hype

Bill McKibben tries to link all bad weather and natural disasters to his political agenda. Here’s McKibben’s latest tweet and Bastardi’s responses. Continue reading Meteorologist Joe Bastardi slams Bill McKibben for hurricane-climate hype