IPCC reviewer: ‘No one ever claimed that climate models could predict all these decadal wiggles’

The BBC reports the comments of warmist prof John Shepherd of the University of Southampton: Continue reading IPCC reviewer: ‘No one ever claimed that climate models could predict all these decadal wiggles’

IPCC: 15 years of data not enough to draw conclusions about pause — But a few tree rings say Medieval Warming was imaginary?

The BBC reports: Continue reading IPCC: 15 years of data not enough to draw conclusions about pause — But a few tree rings say Medieval Warming was imaginary?

Climate change is on ice: UN scientists reveal the world’s barely got any hotter in the last 15 years – but say they are now 95% certain man is to blame for global warming

The Daily Mail reports: Continue reading Climate change is on ice: UN scientists reveal the world’s barely got any hotter in the last 15 years – but say they are now 95% certain man is to blame for global warming

IPCC: Global warming stop could last beyond our lifetimes as heat penetrates ever deeper into oceans

Supposedly the ocean has consumed 90% of the warming, contributing to the global warming stop. If that keeps happening…

Reuters reports:

The IPCC reiterated that a warming trend is “unequivocal”,
and some effects would last far beyond the lifetimes of people
now alive, such as heat penetrating ever deeper into the oceans.

Read more…

The IPCC report is out! ‘Climate models have improved’? The ocean ate my warming!

Despite its failure to predict the global warming stop, the IPCC is more confident than ever! Continue reading The IPCC report is out! ‘Climate models have improved’? The ocean ate my warming!