Billionaire enviro Tom Steyer doesn’t attack Ken Cuccinelli on warming because climate NOT meaningful to Virginia voters

Politico reports: Continue reading Billionaire enviro Tom Steyer doesn’t attack Ken Cuccinelli on warming because climate NOT meaningful to Virginia voters

Muller admits: Warmists have ‘a problem’ — Despite warnings & increased CO2, planet’s temp has remained the same for 15 years

Richard Muller writes in the NYTimes: Continue reading Muller admits: Warmists have ‘a problem’ — Despite warnings & increased CO2, planet’s temp has remained the same for 15 years

Funny: Billionaire enviro compliments Michael Mann via Twitter — Then skeptic Steve Goddard chimes in…

Tom Steyer to Michael Mann to Steve Goddard. Continue reading Funny: Billionaire enviro compliments Michael Mann via Twitter — Then skeptic Steve Goddard chimes in…

Actress Daryl Hannah recommends pre-industrial energy portfolio — no fossil fuels and reliance on ‘decentralized renewable energy’

UPI reports: Continue reading Actress Daryl Hannah recommends pre-industrial energy portfolio — no fossil fuels and reliance on ‘decentralized renewable energy’

Rich: Michael Mann says ‘villain’ Rupert Murdoch ‘uses his media empire to smear people & groups he doesn’t like’

Wow… here’s his tweet and just a few pot-kettle examples. Continue reading Rich: Michael Mann says ‘villain’ Rupert Murdoch ‘uses his media empire to smear people & groups he doesn’t like’

IPCC claims climate won’t cool without massive geoengineering — So what is the politically correct temperature?

The New Scientist reports: Continue reading IPCC claims climate won’t cool without massive geoengineering — So what is the politically correct temperature?

Evangelical warmist Katharine Hayhoe; 15-year global warming bust gives IPCC more confidence in future projections reports: Continue reading Evangelical warmist Katharine Hayhoe; 15-year global warming bust gives IPCC more confidence in future projections