Aussie climate commissioner sacked – and so too should journalists who are climate change scaremongers

Andrew Bolt writes at the Courier Mail: Continue reading Aussie climate commissioner sacked – and so too should journalists who are climate change scaremongers

In trouble: Obama energy commission nominee losing voltage over contradictions, EPA coal rules

The Washington Times reports: Continue reading In trouble: Obama energy commission nominee losing voltage over contradictions, EPA coal rules

Confidence in IPCC teetering: BBC reports ‘governments demanding clear explanation’ of warming slowdown

The BBC reports: Continue reading Confidence in IPCC teetering: BBC reports ‘governments demanding clear explanation’ of warming slowdown

Hysterical: IPCC warns of melting Himalayan glaciers again — Pachauri says Glaciergate error was to put a definite date on meltdown!

The Financial Times reports: Continue reading Hysterical: IPCC warns of melting Himalayan glaciers again — Pachauri says Glaciergate error was to put a definite date on meltdown!

IPCC scientists insist global warming only on holiday to salvage reputation, grant money, One-World gov’t

The Daily Mail reports: Continue reading IPCC scientists insist global warming only on holiday to salvage reputation, grant money, One-World gov’t