Anti-Keystone XL protest draws sparse crowd in Wash DC — only about 30 show up to ‘save’ planet

The Globe and Mail reports: Continue reading Anti-Keystone XL protest draws sparse crowd in Wash DC — only about 30 show up to ‘save’ planet

Green party’s proposed mandatory ‘veggie day’ causes ‘sh*tstorm’ in German elections — Are you listening Michelle O.?

Politico reports: Continue reading Green party’s proposed mandatory ‘veggie day’ causes ‘sh*tstorm’ in German elections — Are you listening Michelle O.?

Judith Curry: ‘Let’s abandon the scientific consensus-seeking approach in favour of open debate’

Judith Curry writes in the Australian: Continue reading Judith Curry: ‘Let’s abandon the scientific consensus-seeking approach in favour of open debate’

NYTimes accuses Canada of ‘silencing scientists’ on climate — But no example, evidence provided

NYTimes editorial board member Verlyn Klinkenborg (No joke!) writes: Continue reading NYTimes accuses Canada of ‘silencing scientists’ on climate — But no example, evidence provided

Warmist Lord Stern’s Choice of Us: A UN-run world or climate change — We channel Patrick Henry and pick climate change

Lord Nicolas Stern writes in the Observer: Continue reading Warmist Lord Stern’s Choice of Us: A UN-run world or climate change — We channel Patrick Henry and pick climate change