Irony: Royal Society for Protection of Birds to build 300-ft windmill — Saving birds from climate change by whacking them out of the sky!

Eco-tricity announced: Continue reading Irony: Royal Society for Protection of Birds to build 300-ft windmill — Saving birds from climate change by whacking them out of the sky!

IPCC chief: ‘Rational people’ will be convinced by upcoming climate report — YEs that the IPCC is intellectually and morally bankrupt!

Convinced of what? That the IPCC has been wrong for 25 years? Continue reading IPCC chief: ‘Rational people’ will be convinced by upcoming climate report — YEs that the IPCC is intellectually and morally bankrupt!

Doubling down on failure: EU considers doubling its emissions goal for 2030

Hey, it sounds reassuring ahead of the coming IPCC debacle — and who holds anyone accountable anyway? Continue reading Doubling down on failure: EU considers doubling its emissions goal for 2030

NASA falsely claims that particulate matter kills up to 1,000 people per square kilometer globally

Particulate matter doesn’t kill anyone. Think differently? Then show us a body. Continue reading NASA falsely claims that particulate matter kills up to 1,000 people per square kilometer globally

Must-see Video: EPA admits illegal purpose of coal plant rules; Facilitating international treaty talks not allowed by Clean Air Act

This video ought to destroy upcoming EPA’s coal plant rules when challenged in federal court. Continue reading Must-see Video: EPA admits illegal purpose of coal plant rules; Facilitating international treaty talks not allowed by Clean Air Act

‘Black Day’ for warmism in Australia: New PM abolishes Climate Commission, begins to scrap Climate Change Authority

The Australian reports: Continue reading ‘Black Day’ for warmism in Australia: New PM abolishes Climate Commission, begins to scrap Climate Change Authority

Green energy causing German electricity rates to ‘rapidly increase… growing numbers of families no longer can afford to pay bill’

The New York Times reports: Continue reading Green energy causing German electricity rates to ‘rapidly increase… growing numbers of families no longer can afford to pay bill’