Obama energy appointee apologizes to top GOP Senator for lying about White House contact

Greenwire reports on the confirmation hearing today for the fossil fuel-hating Obama FERC appointee Ron Binz: Continue reading Obama energy appointee apologizes to top GOP Senator for lying about White House contact

IPCC report to backfire on warmism — ‘No way Congress will consider upending economy on the basis of flawed computer projections’

Byron York writes at Human Events: Continue reading IPCC report to backfire on warmism — ‘No way Congress will consider upending economy on the basis of flawed computer projections’

New Aussie PM assigns science under industry ministry; Signals science to be a tool for growth, not politics

Graham Readfern write in the Guardian: Continue reading New Aussie PM assigns science under industry ministry; Signals science to be a tool for growth, not politics

Sugar Hysteria: ‘The most dangerous drug of the times’ — ‘Like alcohol, tobacco… use should be discouraged’

The Telegraph reports: Continue reading Sugar Hysteria: ‘The most dangerous drug of the times’ — ‘Like alcohol, tobacco… use should be discouraged’

Phil Plait attacks CNBC’s Joe Kernen but debunks himself with his own ‘drivel’

In yet another attack on CNBC skeptic Joe Kernen, the Bad Astronomer (aka Phil Plait) writes at Slate: Continue reading Phil Plait attacks CNBC’s Joe Kernen but debunks himself with his own ‘drivel’

Community organizer ‘builds next-generation U.S. economy’ — What could go wrong?

Ken “My readers are really dumb” Silverstein writes in Forbes: Continue reading Community organizer ‘builds next-generation U.S. economy’ — What could go wrong?

Colorado state climatologist: Flooding ‘It isn’t yet as extreme or widespread as June 1965 floods or as dramatic as 1935 floods’

RealScience reports: Continue reading Colorado state climatologist: Flooding ‘It isn’t yet as extreme or widespread as June 1965 floods or as dramatic as 1935 floods’