E-mails show greens, lobbyists and partisans helping Obama’s anti-fossil fuel FERC pick move through Senate

The Washington Times reports: Continue reading E-mails show greens, lobbyists and partisans helping Obama’s anti-fossil fuel FERC pick move through Senate

Climate change models may not be accurate after all as study finds most widely overestimated global warming

The Daily Mail reports: Continue reading Climate change models may not be accurate after all as study finds most widely overestimated global warming

Coal industry finally comes around to JunkScience opposition to carbon capture: EPA requirement would be a ‘mistake’

JunkScience led the argument against carbon capture and storage… finally the coal industry has come to embrace that opposition. Continue reading Coal industry finally comes around to JunkScience opposition to carbon capture: EPA requirement would be a ‘mistake’

Salt nannies admit no evidence for universal salt reduction — they just want a simple message

Martin Kurlansky writes in the New York Times: Continue reading Salt nannies admit no evidence for universal salt reduction — they just want a simple message

Funny post-election Aussie headline: ‘Those who believe in climate change would welcome debate’

Ahhhh… remember the days of yore when the debate was over? Well, now that Aussie warmists had their rears handed them in last weekend’s elections… Continue reading Funny post-election Aussie headline: ‘Those who believe in climate change would welcome debate’

More Lisa Jackson transparency: Apple refuses to disclose carbon emissions data — Let’s ask RichardWindsor@Hypocrisy.com

Former EPA chief Lisa Jackson now heads Apple’s green PR. Continue reading More Lisa Jackson transparency: Apple refuses to disclose carbon emissions data — Let’s ask RichardWindsor@Hypocrisy.com