Why has global warming slowed? Scientists admit they don’t know why – but are ‘95% sure’ humans are to blame for climate change

The Daily Mail reports:

Scientists are struggling to explain why global warming seems to have slowed down in the last decade in a leaked draft of the UN’s next big report on climate change.

The intergovernmental study claims scientists are 95 per cent sure that humans are to blame for climate change, but presently they have not come up with a unified reason for why global surface temperatures have not risen as predicted in the past 15 years.

According to the unpublished draft document, scientists believe volcanic ash, less heat from the sun and more heat being absorbed by oceans could explain the mystery.

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10 thoughts on “Why has global warming slowed? Scientists admit they don’t know why – but are ‘95% sure’ humans are to blame for climate change”

  1. As a selfish, thoughtless capitalist and consumer, I demand just as much credit for the lack of warming as I get blame for the imagined warming.

  2. GW hasn’t ‘slowed’, it has stopped for 16 yrs & counting. Dr R Havelock Sent from my iPhone

  3. H’mmm. If marque2 is 95% responsible for this, and if I am also, and so are roughly 7 billion of us, we are among us around 665 billion percent responsible.

  4. As a human I would just like to say you are welcome for stopping global warming and actually start the world cooling again, since I am 95% responsible for this.

  5. “but presently they have not come up with a unified reason for why global surface temperatures have not risen as predicted in the past 15 years.”

    They know not where they go, or from whence they came, but hell, they’re 95% we’re gonna get there….

  6. A police officer pulls over a driver. “Did you know you rolled through that stop sign?”
    “Yes, officer, but I slowed way down.”
    Officer pulls nightstick and begins smacking driver’s arm. “Okay, now, do you want me to slow way down or do you want me to stop?” asks the officer.
    Global warming does not “…seem to have slowed down.” Like our driver at the next stop sign, it seems to have stopped. In fact, like a stick-shift driver on a hill, it seems to be sliding back a little.

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