Warmists sweat Bezos takeover of Washington Post; Amazon orientation to individual customer preferences at odds with need for ‘collective’ action on climate

Michael Svoboda frets at the Yale Forum on Climate Change and the Media:

Bezos the business strategist thus seems capable of rationally assessing and responding to a complex, long-term, and world-wide collective problem like climate change. His actual business strategy, however, is wholly devoted to meeting the simple material, short-term, and individual preferences of Amazon.com’s customers. That behavior, imaginatively writ large by Sloan and Thomas, does not bode well for collective national action on climate change.

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3 thoughts on “Warmists sweat Bezos takeover of Washington Post; Amazon orientation to individual customer preferences at odds with need for ‘collective’ action on climate”

  1. Collective action? But Al Gore and his ilk and his kith and his kin have told me that my personal carbon footprint is the death warrant for poley bears and lemurs and coastal Bangladeshis.
    Except it isn’t my fault because it’s really Big Carbon.
    But I’m still supposed to put on the hair shirt while he wears silk shirts.
    Now I’m confused.

  2. So essentially, it appears that this Comrade, Svoboda, is publicly suggesting that Jeff Bezos is a closet Trotskyite.

    This is getting geometrically more interesting.


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