Warmists: GOP Rep. Steve King insulted religious by saying warmism ‘more a religion than science’

They do have a point — who would want to be likened to a warmist?

Lisa Hymas writes at Grist:

This week, he turned his eloquence to the topic of climate change. Here’s what he said on Tuesday at an event sponsored by the Koch-funded group Americans for Prosperity, as reported by The Messenger of Fort Dodge, Iowa:

“King said efforts to fight global warming are both economically harmful and unnecessary. ‘It is not proven, it’s not science. It’s more of a religion than a science,’ he said.”

Which kinda sounds like a slam not just on people who believe in climate change but on people who believe in God. As Daily Kos put it, “So to recap, global warming is bullshit, like religion.”

It’s not the first time King has made the religion comparison. He said something similar in 2010, and added that concern about climate change “might be the modern version of the rain dance.”

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3 thoughts on “Warmists: GOP Rep. Steve King insulted religious by saying warmism ‘more a religion than science’”

  1. There is no there for religion. It is based 100% on faith: blind belief without and in spite of evidence to the contrary. Simply because you believe in the non-existent and the impossible is no reason that fact cannot be pointed out. The insult lies totally within yourself simply because you have defaulted on using your mind.

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