Vaccination rates dropping: Children needlessly at risk thanks to celebrity morons RFK Jr, Jenny McCarthy, Dierdre Imus

The Associated Press reports:

Doctors and public health officials are warning that immunization rates have dropped in Michigan and are urging parents to get their kids vaccinated.

The Michigan Department of Community Health and the Michigan State Medical Society will hold a Thursday news conference in East Lansing to detail “startling” new statistics from the federal Centers for Disease Control. Officials say immunization rates in Michigan are falling despite recent outbreaks of whooping cough and measles.

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3 thoughts on “Vaccination rates dropping: Children needlessly at risk thanks to celebrity morons RFK Jr, Jenny McCarthy, Dierdre Imus”

  1. If it works, ban it! If it is dangerous or doesn’t work, subsidize it and make it mandatory.

  2. People have short memories. With regard to the current politically-correct types, like AGW’s, they have no memory (or conscience) at all.
    In the mid 20th century, there was a polio epidemic. So hippie-liberal types can put this in perspective time wise–just a few years before the Vietnam war got going. Not very long ago. If the polio vaccines stop being used, that will come back.
    And those who are already exposing others to diseases because they won’t have vaccinations will never be blamed or held accountable. It will be blamed on industry, global warming, etc.
    We are going backwards-not forward.

  3. Please note that Britain is having a measles epidemic because of lower vaccination rates. Needless to say, there are several other lethal children’s diseases that are going to increase substantially with this new vogue! Bet you a buck that this is going to be attributed to anthropogenic global warming In Scandinavia there is also an active movement advocating ecological food and all kinds of voodoo to replace solid medical action.

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