Warmism Failing: WaPo reports GOP ‘paying no price whatsoever for climate science denialism’

Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson isn’t budging from skepticism despite a $2 million warmist campaign against him. Continue reading Warmism Failing: WaPo reports GOP ‘paying no price whatsoever for climate science denialism’

Study: Coal power plants not to blame for Chinese air pollution problem

Traffic and home cooking with coal briquettes are responsible for almost 80% of Chinese soot problems, says a new study. Continue reading Study: Coal power plants not to blame for Chinese air pollution problem

NBC ‘Sounding the Alarm’ on Climate Change: ‘Industrialized World’ Using More Than ‘Fair Share’ of Fossil Fuels

So is it okay for India to burn its fair share of coal? Continue reading NBC ‘Sounding the Alarm’ on Climate Change: ‘Industrialized World’ Using More Than ‘Fair Share’ of Fossil Fuels

New documents show EPA lying to public about air pollution dangers

JunkScience.com recently obtained through the Freedom of Information Act documents describing human clinical experiments involving high exposures to particulate matter conducted by the University of Rochester with EPA funding. Continue reading New documents show EPA lying to public about air pollution dangers

Coal Hard Reality: ‘We have trillions of tons of coal… expect the world to use them all,’ says Peabody Energy

The New York Times reports: Continue reading Coal Hard Reality: ‘We have trillions of tons of coal… expect the world to use them all,’ says Peabody Energy

Why has global warming slowed? Scientists admit they don’t know why – but are ‘95% sure’ humans are to blame for climate change

The Daily Mail reports: Continue reading Why has global warming slowed? Scientists admit they don’t know why – but are ‘95% sure’ humans are to blame for climate change