Letter: Livestock density not a risk factor for MRSA to people without livestock contact

From a letter in the September 2013 issue of Emerging and Infectious Diseases: Continue reading Letter: Livestock density not a risk factor for MRSA to people without livestock contact

NO… there is still no convincing evidence that antibiotic use on the farm is a public health problem

The best former FDA commission Donald Kennedy can do — after all these years of hysteria and research — is point to studies that, in the words of their authors, only “could be responsible” for, or “suggest” a link between livestock antibiotics and resistant bacteria. Continue reading NO… there is still no convincing evidence that antibiotic use on the farm is a public health problem

Warmists spread fear to Florida home sellers: ‘What I’m looking for is a climate-change denier with a lot of money’

The National Geographic reports: Continue reading Warmists spread fear to Florida home sellers: ‘What I’m looking for is a climate-change denier with a lot of money’

LATimes cartoonist frets sea level change — current rate for Los Angeles is 3.25 inches PER CENTURY

For his column “Climate change deniers live in ignorant bliss as seas keep rising,” LATimes cartoonist David Horsey drew this cartoon: Continue reading LATimes cartoonist frets sea level change — current rate for Los Angeles is 3.25 inches PER CENTURY