GE dumps solar panel manufacturing business; Free Enterprise Action Fund vindicated again!

During the 2000s, Steve Milloy’s Free Enterprise Action Fund repeatedly told GE CEO Jeff Immelt that expensive green energy technology was a loser. Continue reading GE dumps solar panel manufacturing business; Free Enterprise Action Fund vindicated again!

Nanny Stupidity of the Day: All Americans eating an extra serving of fruits/veggies per day would save 30,000 lives per year

Has anyone ever died from not eating enough fruit and vegetables? Continue reading Nanny Stupidity of the Day: All Americans eating an extra serving of fruits/veggies per day would save 30,000 lives per year

NOAA says June ties with 2006 for 5th warmest on record — NOAA doesn’t say June had highest CO2 on record

Atmospheric CO2 during June 2006 was 384 ppm. June 2013 was 399 ppm. So 15 ppm of CO2 had no warming effect? Continue reading NOAA says June ties with 2006 for 5th warmest on record — NOAA doesn’t say June had highest CO2 on record

Obama tries taking credit for fake reduction in childhood obesity?

This is a ridiculous report that is probably intended to validate Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” nannying. Continue reading Obama tries taking credit for fake reduction in childhood obesity?

Geophysical Union claims man to blame for global warming in official statement — but not all AGU board members agree

The Daily Mail reports: Continue reading Geophysical Union claims man to blame for global warming in official statement — but not all AGU board members agree

House Democrat offers lame excuses for EPA ‘secret science’

Responding to House Science Committee Chair Lamar Smith’s recent Wall Street Journal op-ed spotlighting EPA’s “secret science,” Rep. Bernice Johnson (D., Tex.) offer a lame defense. Continue reading House Democrat offers lame excuses for EPA ‘secret science’

Food police self-debunking: Few people eat low-salt diet but population healthier than ever

Bonnie Liebman of the Center for Science in the Public Interest writes: Continue reading Food police self-debunking: Few people eat low-salt diet but population healthier than ever

Just makin’ it up: Study says ozone-protection treaty had climate benefits also

Not quite sure where they get the “also” part — i.e., ozone benefits in doubt. Climate claims a closer to speculation-cum-propaganda than science. Continue reading Just makin’ it up: Study says ozone-protection treaty had climate benefits also

WaPo columnist: Obama, Dems ‘just want to undermine the free-market economy and enforce an anti-growth lifestyle’

Ed Rogers writes in the Washington Post: Continue reading WaPo columnist: Obama, Dems ‘just want to undermine the free-market economy and enforce an anti-growth lifestyle’